
I have always had a passion for eating well because what we fuel our bodies with is key to our health and wellbeing. Losing my Dad to cancer 8 years ago set me on a path to really look at the links between disease and the food we consume. In 2017 / early 2018 I became a Precision Nutrition Level 1 certified coach following on from 120+ hours of study.

I work with clients to re-educate them on their eating habits and to give them advice, guidance and support which allows them to understand why what we eat is so important. Creating new, positive habits is key to this, rather than cutting out certain food groups in an unsustainable way which inevitably leads to failure. 

I check in regularly with my clients, keep an eye on their food intake and help them to learn how to fuel their bodies properly. This means that once they finish working with me, they will have not only had the results they want, but also the knowledge required to never need to go on a fad / crash diet ever again :-)